Back in Blighty 🇬🇧

Our family recently made the giant leap across the pond from Grand Rapids, Michigan over to the south of England for a new life adventure and for our young daughters to experience a different culture. It’s certainly been a big adventure so far! Even though I was born and raised here in little Britain, spending the last 21 years living all over America in 3 states, it’s been quite the adjustment for me too! After spending the last couple of weeks “Glamping” sleeping on make shift beds, having nowhere to sit and eating off paper plates while we waited for our belongings to arrive, we are finally starting to get settled. We’ve been busy learning to drive on the left on tiny country roads, brushing up on our best British slang, eating lots of fish and chips and of course starting all conversations by apologising for everything! We found a cute old repurposed Oast home that we love in the Sevenoaks area of Kent to start our journey here and we are slowly getting used to all things British. I had my first interview at a local commercial studio yesterday and I’m excited to begin making photography connections here in the UK.
